Green Map of the Green Maps

We're envisioning a digital archive, made in collaboration with the Green Mapmakers that will share the outcomes, artifacts, media and story of each Green Map project.

This Green Map of the Green Maps will be built on our versatile mapping platform.  Our plan is to open it to the public in summer 2025.  Here's our initial concept sketch and 2 examples of how Green Map projects might appear. 

There are so reasons and ways to use this archive and share its stories and Green Maps in other formats, too. We welcome your ideas, and your support, too!

                                                    Map of the Maps is the vision for a digital archive made with Green Mapmakers
                                                    Map of the Maps is the vision for a digital archive made with Green Mapmakers
Examples from Washington and NYC  showing how projects could be presented and shared  on our platform
Examples from Washington and NYC  showing how projects could be presented and shared  on our platform
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