Youth Green Mapping Tools

Green Mapmaking Tools for Youth inspire educators, youth group leaders and young people. While our materials are a bit dated, they provide youth with new understandings and assessment, communications, and planning skills. For example, check out the terrific Baltimore Green Map to see how mapping, STEM (or with the arts - STEAM) and planning skills can accelerate whole-child learning and ignite a durable connection to home places. There's more in the Youth section here, too.

The full set of YGMS youth mapping tools for more in-depth mapmaking:
• This 11 MB zipped file includes a guide, surveys, journal, icons etc YGMS Set in English
• Set de Herramientas de Mapeo Verde con Comunidades y Jóvenes YGMS set in Espanol - Spanish
• Fun Graphics
• Youth-oriented set of Green Map Icons (from YGMS set) to print as Stickers
• Icon Flash Cards (from YGMS set) print this PDF on individual sheets for youth activities (or full set here).

An overview of our Energy & Environmental Exploration Modules, 7:23 minutes

Our Modules for thematic Green Map projects are designed to used in whole or in part. Designed for middle and high school students, these modules were tested during the 2008-2009 school year, thanks to New York City Environmental Fund, Body Shop Foundation and Seventh Generation Foundation (yes, links in the modules are outdated):
• Energy in the School
• Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Waste Reduction
• Street Trees and Green Spaces
• Getting Around Without a Car

• Japanese Green Mapmakers created terrific materials including print books, exhibits and workshop guides, such as this well-designed 3 page introduction to Mirai - the Green Map of the Future was created by Green Map Japan - ユースグリーンマップガイドはグリーンマップの作り方を全3ページにわたり説明しています。子供から青年まで幅広く使って頂けます。

• "Let's Green Map!" is a Guide Book designed for youth, based on the Mirai project. Part. 1 and Part. 2

• Used in schools across the country like the Ci Xing Waldorf School in Yilan, the Taiwan Society of Wilderness created this in-depth curriculum for mapping biodiversity- 綠活圖課程講義-修正版, in Traditional Chinese, 2014

• And from the Green Map Impacts bookthe Thailand story brings youth and climate change countermeasures together.

• More Impacts: you'll like the Pereira Colombia story too!

• And the Green Map Atlas! Check out the Robeson County NC story, and many others...!

Images from Scottish and Thai Green Map Projects
Images from Scottish and Thai Green Map Projects
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