This new community garden was established in early 2024 on site of an old garden, established on derelict land once occupied by housing. Thisd garden includes raised beds (including wheelchair accessi...
En la Ciénaga Grande de Magangué, surgen conflictos hidrosociales debido a la contaminación del agua por vertimientos provenientes de fuentes domésticas, industriales, agrícolas y pecuarias. Además, l...
Campo de futebol parte do parque
Parque Estadual com uma ocupação.
Siempre Verde Community Garden The relatively new Lower East Side community garden, Siempre Verde, serves as a local space for community get togethers, including performances, yoga practice, community...
Though small, this park is usually not crowded and full of blossoms, making it a pleasure to chill out in. Fountains, concerts, picnic tables etc. but no sports facilities.
HER HOLDER ALTID CYKLETAXIER med plads til mindst to passagerer Here is always a bike taxi with room for at least two passengers
A great place for active distancing, Pier 36 offers riverside refreshment and space to walk, run and bike. Access Pier 36 from Rutgers or Montgomery Street at the East River. Bonus - the south side co...
This 10-acre property located on Wagaraw Road is Hawthorne's primary recreation complex. The property contains an outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts, Boro Bandshell, baseball/softball field, a pass...