Training & Support Packages

Pushed for time? Want a helping hand to get your project up and running? Or need some custom development? Our team is on-hand and ready to help.

Choose a training package like the examples below to get things moving, and activate change in your community.

Starter support

Ideal for projects at the start of their journey, or who are willing to take a DIY approach to project set-up but want help learning how to use our tools, what they can do, and what the options are.

Show your core team how to use Green Map. We’ll show you the basic tools, and the different approaches you can take for setting up and tailoring your project, and the next best steps you can take to get your project started.

What you get

1 x 90 minute online training session for up to 6 team members
Access to help resources and quickstart guide

What you end up with

A core team who are familiar with Green Map tools, features and what they can do, can set project goals, explore what’s possible, and ready to learn how to set up a project on their own
per session

Launch-ready pack

Ideal for short and medium term projects that want to get their project up and running - quickly.

Get your Green Map ready to go. We’ll walk you through the most effective way to set up your map, configure your settings, use our icons, add data, and launch your project.

You’ll develop the skills and capacity to manage your Green Map project and community, with early-stage tech support for your community as they start adding data.

What you get

4 x online training sessions for up to 6 team members
12 hours tech help for your team and your community
Check-in session to review your project progress
Membership of the Global Green Map community and access to events and learning resources

What you end up with

A team who can create, publish and manage an online Green Map project
Visual tools and templates to help promote your project and engage communities
A Green Map project that’s ready to go!
Support answering technical questions from your community
Prices starting from

Community booster pack

Ideal for longer-term or in-depth projects who need to focus on community engagement and maintaining momentum.

Get an extra boost from our team - perfect if you need to establish Green Map-making in your community to support long-term participation or in-depth research. We’ll take care of your Green Map project set-up, and help train your community, so you can focus on engagement and maintaining momentum.

What you get

All the launch-ready support
Project configuration done for you
Website configuration done for you*
Additional tool and icon customisation*
18 hours tech help for your core team or your community
Monthly check-ins with your core team

What you end up with

All the launch-ready support
Project set-up done for you
More support to adapt tools, design icons, and develop surveys to crowdsource data
More time for you to focus on promoting your project, engaging your community, and keeping them motivated!

* extra costs may apply for high volume or complex requests


Bespoke support

We’ll work with you to develop your own programme of support and development from the Green Map team. We can adapt and develop the Green Map tools to your needs, provide ongoing tech support, and community management assistance.

Custom design and development
Team and community training
Additional tech support
Prices starting from

Additional support and services


Custom design and development

Need extra mapping tools? Your advanced features? Bespoke website integration? Deployment or customisation of mobile apps? Our design and dev team can help.

per day

Team and community training

Need training for a bigger core team? Want us to help train your community? Advise on how to promote your project and engage new map-makers to help crowdsource your project? Or design community events to help maintain momentum? We can do it.

per session

Website hosting

Two years of website hosting is included if you created a project website to support your project or requested domain name configuration. We can extend it for as long as you like.

per year

Anything else?

Is there something else we can do to support your project? Consultation? Advice? Project design? Writing funding bids? We can help.

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