Classroom Garden Educator: Isabel Dubois - This is a classroom garden is not open to the public except during farm tours or School open houses. Students k-5 grades l...
I'm not a member but I am welcome to join the weekly potluck, which is a wonderful tradition! So many people are fed by this prolific garden. It's kind to all, including many recent newcomers seeking ...
En la CiĆ©naga Grande de MaganguĆ©, surgen conflictos hidrosociales debido a la contaminaciĆ³n del agua por vertimientos provenientes de fuentes domĆ©sticas, industriales, agrĆcolas y pecuarias. AdemĆ”s, l...
This is a new garden as of April 2024. 6000 square feet (60x100) Growing perennial berries/veggies and annual seed veggies and flowers. This is a highly windy garden so all plants are selected f...
This small, private home garden is being updated and replanted to serve the food banks. Size: 35 ft x 30 ft = 1,120 sq. ft. Growing: It's 20-ft long raised beds will grow good amounts of peas, b...
On the corner of Hastings and Sheridan, this garden has been growing food and friendship since 2007. As a Community garden first, the produce coming out of this garden goes to those in the "comm...
For more information: 1219 Corona St. Port Townsend, WA 98368...