Honors for Green Map System:
2023: Residency Programs - Manitoga & Swale House
2017: TED Residency (TED Talk about Green Map)
2015: Certificate of Appreciation, International Visitors Program, US Dept. of State
2013: Creative Climate Action Award, NYC
2012: Google 24 Hours of Good
2011: NetSquared Invitational Winner
2011: Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award
2011: Treehugger Best of Green - Smartphone App
2010: Living Labs Global Winner
2010: Treehugger Best of Green - Best Eco Travel Resource
2009: Index Awards, finalist - Social Design, Denmark
2009: We Media, finalist - We Media and Ashoka Changemakers USA
2008: Maps in Apps, third place - Tele Atlas USA
2007: Environmental Quality Award - US EPA, Region 2
2005: NGO Global Village Exhibit Award - Aichi EXPO 2005, Japan
2002: Spirit of the Land Award - 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics USA
2001: Technology Benefiting Humanities Awards Laureate - The Tech Museum USA
2001: Certificate of Merit - Municipal Art Society USA
2000: Stockholm Challenge - Finalist - Sweden
2000: Project Around the World - EXPO 2000, Germany
1999: National Award for Sustainability - President's Council on Sustainable Development
1998: Global Best Practices 100 List - United Nations Habitat, Kenya
1996: Eco-Award - NRDC and Environmental Media Association
Our History shares more highlights.
In addition to the locally-authored stories shared in the book Green Map Impacts, we have:
Worked with more than 125 interns in our New York office. These university students extend their capabilities through this experience. It's great to see that so many are now professionals in sustainability, climate and related fields
Collaborated with cities, schools and institutions, resulting in powerful local action and engagement
Given talks, ranging from keynote addresses to quick Ignite pitches, around the world
Welcomed international visitors and exchanged vital resources for climate-caring communities
Produced dozens of public events and our own local Green Maps, as seen in
Projects & Maps.