4B's Hive - Guide for Mapping made in Europe

4Bs Hive Guide to Making Green Maps was created by European Green Mapmakers with European Mobility funding in 2011. Thanks to participants from Bistrita, Berlin, Bristol and Budapest, this guide is really inspiring! Want to know more about the process? Watch this video (it's on youtube, too)!

Great to see this project recently won a European Shared Treasure Award! Congrats to the 4B's Hive!

You can download the 4Bs Hive Guides in Englishin German, in Chinese.

Created by:
Asociatia Ascendent (Ciprian Samoila - Bistrita, Romania)
GreenBristol Ltd. (Steve Parry - Bristol, UK)
Tudatos Vásárlók Egyesülete (Gergo Horvath - Budapest, Hungary)
Querspur-Verein zur Förderung soziokultureller Aktivitäten mit dem Medium Video (Peter van de Loo - Berlin, Germany)
Watch and download the instructional video at the blue link! 

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Exciting that this project's legacy was recognized nearly a decade after it was produced!
Exciting that this project's legacy was recognized nearly a decade after it was produced!
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