TED Talk about Green Map

Wendy Brawer, Green Map's director, writes:

I had a great experience as a TED Resident, which began in early 2017. Immediately upon arrival at the TED office, I gained 85 new friends, 23 of which were in my cohort. Within the TED media-rich environment, residents are encouraged to share and cross pollinate their 'ideas that matter'.  I enjoyed it so much I was dubbed the unofficial Class Cultivator!

The 14 weeks included many workshops and coaching, leading up to my TED Talk, which is primarily about Green Map and our new open approach to 'thinking globally and mapping locally'.

Enjoy it below and see it on the TED Residency 3 Talks page, along with many insightful pieces by our cohort members.

Click '"Speaking" to see a few other talks, too. Thanks for watching!

Wendy's TED Talk
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