Refugee Area / Refuge / Safe Space

Includes safe spaces and areas with displaced families and individuals due to disaster, disease, social inequities, strife, climate change, and other dire conditions. Includes environmental, economic and political refugees, as well as safe places for services, isolation or respite.


We had a camp, a community. Two families would serve us meal on Saturdays. Different lifestyles brought a lot of people together. In daytime, we were part of the outer community. At nighttime, we were our own community. When a homemade fire pit was stolen from the outer community, we offered to let them search our tents and help them find it. I went for walks to make sure the park and playground were kept clean. It was a hard time, but it was doable because I felt like I belonged somewhere. It was a safe place. We had safety. We made safety. All neighbourhoods want this. It was home.

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