Any size of agricultural farm established in urban or residential areas, outdoors, on the roof, indoors, even in a schoolyard. Can be cooperative, commercial, educational, therapeutic, demonstration, etc.
The school established gardens in the front yard in 2019 for classroom activities, fresh vegetables, and fruit production. The produce goes to school lunches or local food banks.
This high production garden not only serves the students of Port Townsend High School, but the PT Food Bank during the summer months. Teacher Jennifer Kruse helps students get the most from the plot. During the summer months Food Bank Growers manage the space. The garden has been feeding students and donating food to the Food Bank since 2012 via this space. Volunteers meet Fridays 9-11.
Westbrook Memorial Garden is a community garden and ecological green space in Crown Heights; home to a prolific pollinator garden and a honeybee hive that is looked after by a resident beekeeper. The garden maintains composting and organic gardening practices, and has raised garden beds with members planting vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
This is an "edible food forest" - a unique food growing spot! Lots of experience and produce come from this site! It's epic! See more about the resources shared at (photo is from this website). Lots to learn from here - so inspiring!!
I'm not a member but I am welcome to join the weekly potluck, which is a wonderful tradition! So many people are fed by this prolific garden. It's kind to all, including many recent newcomers seeking refuge from the shelter system. I especially like the family-oriented design and policies, and have heard that school groups have plots there too. With fruit trees planted across the street and rows and rows and rows of veggies, this garden has it all!
FR : Le Paysan Urbain fédère un réseau de fermes urbaines agro-écologiques et socialement responsables. Inscrites dans leur territoire respectif, elles se sont fixées pour missions de rendre de multiples services à Marseille :
Renamed in 2021 as The Red Hen Food Bank Garden is hosted on the same property of the RainCoast Farms Event Center. The owners Mike Gaede and Margaret Stroemer have provided the space and two green houses for Food Bank Growers to plant and harvest fresh food for the patrons of the Tri-Area Food Bank. Volunteers meet Tuesday 10-12 in the spring and 9-11 in the summer. Contact Mary Hunt for details.
The orchard began in 2010 and now has 70 trees producing over 1500 pounds of fruit for students to eat fresh or go to the food bank when school isn't in session. To learn about individual tree types, their production, and their care go here: