First Street Garden


The garden was first cleaned up and transformed into a community garden in 1983. Before the gardening group built the garden which is largely ornamental in style , the garden was an eyesore, a garbage dump and a magnet for criminal activity attracting rats, drug activity, rapists, muggers and thieves of all sorts. The gardeners have removed the filth and debris from the sidewalk in front of the garden, and at their sole expense secured the garden with fencing and gates and have planted numerous plants and trees including iris, violets, ferns, lily of the valley, black eye susan, ground cover and other wild flowers, birch, maple and mulberry trees. A small fish pond was maintained for many years by children among our gardeners for whom the garden is a vital resource as no similar verdant resource exists nearby. Birds are drawn to the lush greenery with nesting sites appearing seasonally. A lovely garden path has been constructed by recycling used bricks found at the garden site. A new planting bed was just installed in the front of the garden providing sunlit space for summer flowers.

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Parsons DESIS (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability) Lab is a research laboratory created in 2009 at The New School in New York City. DESIS Lab works at the intersection of strategic and service design, management, and social theory, applying interdisciplinary expertise in problem setting and problem solving to sustainable practices and social innovation. Parsons DESIS Lab promotes funded research projects with local partners resulting in workshops, studios toolkits, exhibitions and publications that articulate the practice of social change through design-enable sustainable community initiatives.

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