'Moths To A Flame' : COP26 mass-participation art exhibition at Glasgow Botanic Gardens


'Moths To A Flame' is a mass-participation art project for COP26, soon to be on display in Kibble Palace at Glasgow Botanic Gardens that uses the metaphor of the moth (a well-known 'indicator species' for climate) to communicate the urgency of the climate emergency, whilst offering beauty of Nature in the process.

How to visit (open to the public daily for FREE throughout COP26 at Glasgow’s stunning Botanic Gardens) - link below!

From the organisers' website :
"This project springs from the desire to respond with creativity to the climate emergency. When we act on our own, our actions can feel too small, when we act as communities, we can make a real difference. Our whispers of hope can become a roar for change.

The Art & Energy Collective [creators of the project] is interested in using our skills for creativity to respond to the climate emergency. Our conversations in Plymouth started in 2018 where we held workshops, shared ideas & exchanged skills. Over time, the Moths to a Flame project developed which uses the moth as an allegory for our relationship with energy & consequently the health of our planet. More & more people showed an interest in being involved leading to a stunningly successful CrowdFunder led by Plymouth Energy Community.

All of us who care about responding to the climate emergency know that COP26 marks an important moment in global politics. This artwork allows us all to make a mark, have our say, show our willingness for action & bring a bit of beauty to COP26."

More info via their..

Website :
Homepage - https://www.mothstoaflame.art
Glasgow Botanic Gardens event - https://www.mothstoaflame.art/events/moths-to-a-flame-installation-at-glasgows-botanic-gardens-78dkm-293mn

Twitter - https://twitter.com/OurArtAndEnergy (follow the creators of the project on the road in an electric van, from Plymouth to Glasgow, sewing as they go!)

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