Puerto Cortes (Punta Caballos)

Chance Brothers Lighthouse Chance Brothers Lighthouse
  • Date of lens manufacture


  • Date of lighthouse construction


  • Country


  • Commissioning body


  • Order of lens

    4th order

  • Fixed or revolving lens


  • Active/Inactive


  • Describe the character of light

    Fl W 5s

  • Describe the lighthouses daymarks

    The present lighthouse is a 14 metre steel post painted red and white with a modern light fixed on top.

  • Which aspects of the lighthouse (other than the lens) were manufactured by Chance brothers

    None known.

  • Describe the history of the lighthouse

    The lighthouse was built at the west end of the peninsula sheltering the harbour of Puerto Cortes which is situated approximately 8km north of the city itself. The original lighthouse from 1898 is described as a tall spidery skeletal tower with 4 internal ladders reaching to a platform with a lantern. This has now been superceded by the newer light but I have been unable to find any information as to when this took place.

  • Current management body/ ports authority

    Honduras National Ports Company.

  • Historical preservation societies/manager/operator

    Honduras National Ports Company.

  • Is the site vulnerable to coastal erosion?
  • Have you experienced any affects of climate change on the lighthouse?
  • Observations on the condition of the lighthouse?

    Not applicable.

  • Is the site open/closed to the public


  • Is the tower open/closed to the public


  • Latitude and Longitude

    15.8557906, -87.9598171

  • On-site bookable accommodation available
  • Associated web addresses
  • Other details

    ARLHS HON-003; Admiralty J5994; NGA 16428.

    Alternative names: Puerto Cortés

  • Which resources did you use to research this lighthouses?

    Online research.

Chance Lighthouse Destroyed or Ruined Chance Lighthouse Destroyed or Ruined
  • Date of decommissioning of lighthouse


In the 1800s, Chance Brothers & Co glassworks in Smethwick began making the hi-tech lenses that lighthouses use to warn ships of dangerous locations. By 1951, over 2,500 lighthouses around the world were fitted with a Chance lens.

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