Aberdeen Cyrenians Ltd


First started by Aberdeen University students as a soup kitchen, Aberdeen Cyrenians now put the needs of North East Scotland's most vulnerable and socially excluded people first — leading at the frontline of service, care and influence for 50+ years. From these beginnings, Aberdeen Cyrenians has grown into a cornerstone of Aberdeen, supporting the most vulnerable people in our city facing crisis, trauma, addiction, homelessness, and isolation. Aberdeen Cyrenians work continuously to shift perceptions and change the outlook on homelessness and vulnerability in society — the reality often differs drastically from the 'labels' that people use when thinking of those who need support. Not accepting the current perception of homelessness is something that underpins Aberdeen Cyrenians' work and how they communicate. Their approach puts the reality of these situations front and centre.

Address: 62 Summer Street , Aberdeen, AB10 1SD

Web: https://www.weareac.org/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Abdn_Cyrenians

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aberdeen-cyrenians/mycompany

Instagram: https://instagram.com/aberdeencyrenians

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aberdeen.cyrenians

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We’re a network of community groups and organisations. Our aim is to inspire and promote, connect and support community-led action in Scotland to address the Climate Emergency.

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