Edinburgh Community Food


As a leader in our city’s community food and health sector Edinburgh Community Food, following the four principles of dignity, works to promote health equality by providing affordable, healthy food, offering food education and supporting community health initiatives. We offer both support for low-income communities and tackle health inequalities across Edinburgh through our Food and Health Development work and supply of free, subsidised and paid-for food to households across the city. We also work within Edinburgh’s hospitals, supporting staff, patients and visitors and deliver fresh fruit and vegetables to businesses across the city. ECF has recently won the 2021 Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) Presidential Award and the 2021 Caroline Walker Trust Charity Campaigner of the Year Award.

Web: https://www.edinburghcommunityfood.org.uk/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdinComFood

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edincomfood/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EdinComFood

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This is a map of all the groups making Edinburgh greener and fairer.

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