Dùthchas Growing


Dùthchas is a small group of individuals from the PA23 community who are seeking to obtain land for a growing space that also includes mixed woodland. They are looking to obtain land which will be used to:

  • Provide growing plots (allotments) for community groups and individuals
  • Build a hub that will act as a centre for social, environmental and horticultural educational activities
  • Create a food forest
  • Provide stewardship to local woodlands

For more information, visit https://www.duthchasgrowing.org/

This map is a collaboration between Dunoon Community Development Trust and the Shaping Places for Wellbeing Programme. It features community-led growing initiatives in the Dunoon and Hunter's Quay areas that include a focus on food growing.  Some of the projects are well established and others are just getting started or are at the planning stages.

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