We has a terrific workshop on mapping farms and food security on March 24th, 2023. It's the first on this topic. We're planning more since so many communities are working to establish local foodways and production, like the South West Fife Community Food Map being created in 2023 by the Scottish Coalfields Regeneration Trust.
It was wonderful to have so much experience and hopefulness in the room, and hear about work underway in the US, Cuba England and Scotland. Eight people participated, ranging from long time Green Mapmakers to never having made a map, and two of us had presentations ready.
Our thanks to all the participants! Want subtitles? Click the CC on the bottom. To select another language, click the settings gear (or use your browser settings).
Here is the background slidedeck with many examples shown by Wendy Brawer, our Director, and here is Mary Hunt’s detailed presentation on how she organizes her data for the extensive FEEDJeffco Green Map (FEED = food, education and enterprise development) and Foodbank Growers website.
Thanks to the many people who helped us finalize the Food Icon set! at GreenMap.org/localfood, find credits and everything you need to use these icons on the Green Map Platform and promote their use with presentations, maps, etc.
Of course, you can create a print map or make other formats to activate a local movement for food security and farming, too!