What's new at Society of Wilderness?

We received two articles from the wonderful team at Society of Wilderness! Mika Shen shares her experience and a team leader, Boylin provides background (and some of the cool products created in Taiwan to support this effort)! We encourage you to download the each of the PDFs and view how images and languages were arranged together in the articles. 

Do you have a Green Map for yourself or your community? 
by Mika Shen, SOW Green Map team volunteer and Taiwan Citizen Journalist (original post)

I have been continuously searching for a way to engage in sustainable conversations within organizations, communities, or my own life. During my search, I came across the Green Living Map Workshop organized by the society of Wilderness (SOW). 




SOW GreenMap workshop - South of the Taipei
SOW GreenMap workshop - South of the Taipei

(照片: 荒野台北綠色生活地圖工作坊創作-台北城南) 

This is a 9-day workshop. At Wufen Port Creek, which boasts a rich ecosystem with birds such as herons, kingfishers, and black bulbuls; plants like the blood tree and Chessboard flower; and also crabs, frogs, and fish. The area faces issues such as dams, irrigation, and sewage discharge. In Shumeikeng Creek, there is a history of Pingpu tribes' migration, Han Chinese settlement, the establishment of irrigation systems during the Japanese colonial period, development of drinking water, industrial pollution, and urban development issues.


SOW GreenMap workshop- Shumei Hang Stream Environmental Education
SOW GreenMap workshop- Shumei Hang Stream Environmental Education

(照片: 荒野台北綠色生活地圖工作坊創作-樹梅坑溪環境教育) 

In Banqiao City, we learned about the Lin Family Garden and local relationships, the history of temples and residents' beliefs, and how local organizations encourage Banqiao residents to care about their living environment. In South Taipei City, we explored the past prosperity, the rise of scholars and publishing, and the current changes in the city and its constructions. At Yongchunpi Ecological Wetland Park, we saw efforts in ecological restoration and environmental education. At Qingshui Lake Environmental Education Base, we experienced social groups' advocacy and educational promotion for wetlands and the environment, and also noted issues such as an aging society and population loss in the area.



SOW Green Map workshop - Hand drawing of South of the Taipei attractions
SOW Green Map workshop - Hand drawing of South of the Taipei attractions

(照片: 荒野台北綠色生活地圖工作坊創作-城南景點手繪圖) 

The Green Map System was founded in 1995 by Wendy Brawer in the United States, designed for community sustainable development. Over the past 29 years, it has expanded to 65 countries worldwide. Wilderness Taipei collaborated 

with them from the start to bring this initiative to Taiwan. For over 20 years, they have conducted numerous instructor training workshops and promoted the concept in schools, organizations, and enterprises, creating their own Green Living Maps. 

This is a set of tools that anyone or any organization can undertake: selecting an area → understanding the 170 green icons → conducting field surveys → identifying green icons in the field → drawing the map → sharing the map. Each process directly or indirectly connects people with sustainable development. Do you want to have your own Green Map? You can start by joining this workshop to learn or experience it, then freely create a Green Living Map for sustainable development. 

Green Map of Qingshui Lake Environmental Education Base
Green Map of Qingshui Lake Environmental Education Base

(照片: 荒野台北綠色生活地圖工作坊創作-清水湖環境教育基地綠活圖

綠色地圖系統Green Map是1995年由美國溫迪·布勞爾(Wendy Brawer)創辦, 是為了社區永續發展而設計。在這29多年來已拓展到世界65個國家。荒野在他們創辦之初便與他們合作申請授權來台灣推廣,這20多年來辦了多場講師訓練工作坊,也到學校、組織或企業去推廣,他們創造了屬於自己的綠色生活地圖。 

這是任何人或組織都可以著手進行的一套工具,從選定區域→認識170個綠色標示icon→實地踏查場域→找出場域中的綠色標示icon→繪製地圖→分享地圖。每一個過程都在直接或間接的串起人們與永續發展的連結。 你想想要有一張自己的綠色生活地圖嗎?你可以從這個工作坊開始認識或體驗,然後自由自在地創造一張可持續性發展的綠色生活地圖。 

Draw a map to save the earth ?by Boylin, SOW Green Map team leader - - this article appeared here originally

Can drawing a map save the planet? Turning off the lights can save polar bears, using fewer plastic bags can save sea turtles, reducing waste can save entire oceans, and drawing a "Green Map" can save the whole world! In 1992, Wendy Brawer created the world's first "Green Map" (Green Apple Map). At that time, she simply marked "green living spots" on the map with small icons, which attracted 315 maps from 46 countries worldwide to join the initiative!


What exactly are "green living spots"? Simply put, they are locations that help save the Earth. For example: restrooms. In addition to relieving your bladder, restrooms with water-saving faucets, sensor flushing systems, watersaving flush devices, and rainwater recycling systems are all great ways to save the planet. Every time you use such a restroom, you are helping to save the Earth.

Naturally, these kinds of "green living spots" should be clearly marked on the Green Map, so that anyone who sees the map can also "save the planet by using the restroom"! Another example is train stations. Trains are part of the public transportation system, and you can take your bike on board, plus there's free Wi-Fi available. In Taiwan, you can cycle around the island while taking trains, and at the stations, you can go online for free, check-in, and share your eco-friendly journey with the world! These "green living spots" should also be clearly marked on the Green Map, allowing everyone who sees the map to "tour Taiwan and save the planet"!

So, is drawing a Green Map difficult? Honestly, it can be quite challenging! But thanks to Wendy Brawer's systematic organization, creating a Green Map has become much easier. Even elementary school students can do it! This is why the promotion instructors from the "Wilderness Conservation Society Green Map Group" always receive enthusiastic feedback when they visit schools:

"I didn't know our school had so many green living spots!" "I had no idea our community was so beautiful!" "I've lived here for over 10 years and never knew there were such great green living spots!"

The process of drawing the map is full of surprises! Consequently, after finishing the map, everyone develops a deeper appreciation and love for their native environment. This is the greatest achievement for us promotion instructors! We hope that through the Green Map, people can discover from their everyday surroundings that our living environment is truly wonderful; you just need to pay attention to notice it!

Come on! Join us in "drawing maps to save the planet"!

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