Spring News 2024

As Spring settles in, good news! Our new set of Local Food Icons is ready to use. Just in time for the growing season (in the northern hemisphere), there are 60 icons for Growing, Eating, Enterprise and Specialty local food.

Find a backgrounder at GreenMap.org/localfood, where you will find everything you need to make a print map, experience, presentation, signage, etc. Great examples - both interactive and print - are linked there. The set of Local Food Icons are already installed on our mapping platform. Click any icon to compare how different places highlight the eco and social benefits of local food.

Congratulations to two Green Map projects on new publications:

• Dr. Bidart and colleagues at Felix Varela Center have created new Mapa Verde Red workbooks that guide projects across Cuba, as seen in the photo with Janet Felsten, Baltimore Green Mapmaker, and Wendy Brawer, our director. We love how clearly the process is described, based on many years of working with community and school groups on mapping projects, all across the country. 

Delighted by these new guidebooks by Mapa Verde Red
Delighted by these new guidebooks by Mapa Verde Red

• Kudos also go to Enid Trevett and colleagues at Scotland’s Coalfields Regeneration Trust - their new Gorebridge Place Plan and contributions to the national Local Place Plans Programme are stellar! Take a peek at their slideshow and watch for our blog post with more details soon.

Scotland's Place Plans are a standout in climate-centric town planning
Scotland's Place Plans are a standout in climate-centric town planning

Get started on mapping your food scene this season!! We’re just getting started in NYC over Earth Day weekend, and you can explore it at bit.ly/farmnyc or add to this NYC food-flavored Green Map made on our mapping platform, at  bit.ly/addfresh

Upcoming Event! Come map with us on the first foray of the new Avenue C Cultural Corridor

We started a new Green Map to celebrate Avenue C, the emerging cultural corridor!  Add your favorite places:

Add to this map - bit.ly/avecadd24  
Share this map - bit.ly/avecmap24

Stroll Avenue C on this Jane’s Walk - May 5, 2024 starting at  3PM– the heart of Loisaida – with three community leaders: an international mapmaker, an urban anthropologist, and a spoken word poet for an ‘inside’ intro to the visual arts, music, architecture, gardens and foodways that have blossomed along Avenue C. This will be a bi-lingual Spanish / English tour, and it’s the first foray of a new way to experience our neighborhood. Happy to partner with La Sala de Pepe and Loisaida Center for this event!

It poured so hard we made this an indoor tour!
It poured so hard we made this an indoor tour!
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