Green Map as a service-learning experience in a coastal community of Yucatan, Mexico
Pictured below, this Green Map is available HERE
By Mariana B. González Leija*, Vianey Eunise Sosa Koh and Eddy Guadalupe Fuentes Ávila+
*Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, Mérida, Yucatán México
+CETMAR 17 Progreso, Yucatán, México
This project was developed in the coastal community of Progreso Yucatán as a collaboration between Universidad Anáhuac Mayab and the high school Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos del Mar No. 17 (CETMAR 17). This educational experience was planned and executed as the final project of the international diploma of environmental education and sustainable educational projects that NGO Fondo Verde offers.
The project is based on the service-learning methodology applied to environmental education. The service-learning is an educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide or enhance the learning experience while meeting societal needs. In a project of environmental education based on service-learning the students take what they learned in their formal education and use that knowledge to solve or participate showing/proposing/creating viable solutions to real problems occuring in their community. Service-learning is a way to empower students and engage them to make transformation in their own communities.
In this context the GREEN MAP, which is also a strategy of participatory social mapping in the spectre of environmental education, provided the perfect tool to achieve the double intention of our service-learning project with CETMAR students.
The GREEN MAP was developed under the next two principles:
Help them to enhance the syllabus from ECOLOGY COURSE (Maritime aquaculture technical career and high school), in order to understand the complex relations of social-ecological systems in the fishing and coastal community where they live. The study of the socio-ecological system concept let them visualize not only the interactions and dependencies between humans and nature around them but also the importance for their well-being.
Ecology course topics related to Green Map as a service-learning experience
Expose students to the reality of their community allowing them to perceive and identify valuable and meaningful characteristics of coastal and urban context. Engage them to diagnose conflicts or environmental problems occurring on a daily basis around their lives and the most important thing was that green mapping worked as a tool to develop the students critical thinking to socialize these societal/environmental issues in order to design, propose and even plan corrective and preventive actions.
The development of the GREEN MAP as a service-learning experience was aimed to promote a change of attitudes, the development of an environmental culture, sense of belonging and thus, encourage them to take actions to solve or prevent environmental problems that affect their present and future development.
This Green Map is available HERE
The team:
Aquaculture technical career students - CETMAR High School
1.- Canche Martínez Arlette Aracellly
2.- Cano Kantun Melane Guadalupe
3.- Cardeña Correa Osmar Alejandro
4.- Chan Chacón Oscar Leonardo
5.- Chan Uicab Sandy Neftaly
6.- Del Valle Tuz Brayan Kevin
7.- Ek Cime José de Jesus
8.- Gómez Cuitun Victoria Guadalupe
9.- González Duran Georgina
10.- Herrera Herrera Brayan Dioreg Stuart
11.- Magaña López Gilberth Alfonso
12.- Manzano Balam Ingrid Michelle
13.- Martin Uc Joan Arturo
14.- Pech Tec Angélica Guadalupe
15.- Peraza Pech Elena Noemí
16.- Salvador Tomas Luis Ángel
17.- Salvador Tomas Luis Gabriel
18.- Tolentino Santos Alexia Vianey
19.- Tun Puc Juan Diego
- Universidad Anáhuac Mayab:
M.C. Mariana B. González Leija (en Coordinación de Investigación y Publicaciones)
- Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos del Mar No. 17:
I.P. Vianey Eunise Sosa Koh (Depto. de Producción e Investigación)
Q.B.B. Eddy Guadalupe Fuentes Ávila (Jefa del Depto. de Planeación)
Biol. Juan Antonio Lara Rodríguez (Coordinador Programa de Atención y Rehabilitación de Tortugas Marinas de la Costa de Yucatán PARTMACY, y Docente Acuacultura)
Ing. Carlos Baqueiro Basto (Taller de Acuacultura)
Dr. Narciso Antonio Acuña González (Vicerrector Académico, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab)
Dr. Jaime Zaldívar Rae (Director de Desarrollo Académico e Investigación, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab)
M.C. Carlos Andrés León Alemán (Director del CETMAR No. 17)
Dr. Joel Odelín Novelo Segura (Subdirector académico, CETMAR No. 17)
Mtra. Fabiola Echazarreta Montero (Abogada Corporativa, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab)
Lic. Mercy de Jesús Esquivel Chan (Vinculación, CETMAR No. 17)
REFERENCES: Furco, Andrew (October 2011). ""Service-Learning": A Balanced Approach to Experiential Education" (PDF). The INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL for GLOBAL and DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION RESEARCH: 71–76. Retrieved 4 September 2014\
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