Green Map Archives

Our Collection

This website is a living archive of the Green Maps made worldwide as beautiful expressions of home! You will find examples throughout, especially on the Maps and Stories pages. We provide a timeline of our history, and our blog shares the news. Our social mapping platform is an incredible data repository, with over 41,000 sites on the map, and the Greenhouse, our website from 2006-2018, is archived too.  While we are planning a digital archive to go live in 2025, below, find locations where our print archives are available to the public:

2013 Green Map Archive Launch event at the New York Public Library
2013 Green Map Archive Launch event at the New York Public Library

University of Victoria (UVic) Library, BC Canada:
Globally produced academic research papers; engagement and educational resources; beautiful local Green Map projects and conference presentations made with First Nation and community groups; a selection of digitized global Green Maps, and materials collected for the book, ‘Mapping our Common Ground’. Public welcome during open hours.

New York Public Library, Map Room, NYC:

600 Green Maps and 300 education and outreach materials made around the world are available at this iconic reference library. Icon posters and copies of all the books published by Green Mapmakers are also deposited here. This is a living collection in the Main Branch, as described here. Thanks to Andy Rutkowski of NYU Bobst Library and the NYU Green Grant we received, we made a comprehensive archive covering the years 1992-2012, with later additions. We celebrated the Archive's arrival in 2013, and add to it periodically. Once all the copyrights expire, NYPL plans to place it online. Update: in 2025, there's a good chance we are building a different type of digital Archive, more news soon!

Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum, NYC:
Green Map Icon posters and a handful of example Green Maps are available by appointment.

Prelinger Archives, online:
Green Maps and print materials collected by San Francisco Green Mapmakers are deposited here but not yet online.

Library of Congress, Washington DC:
During our organization’s first decade, the Library of Congress would contact us periodically and purchase copies of all the newest Green Maps. Approximately 100 Green Maps are on permanent deposit here.

Green Map Videos:
Explore the playlists and featured videos by us and by Green Mapmakers at

Selected Articles:

• Mapping a Hopeful Future: Wendy Brawer's Green Map System - EcoArtSpace 2023

Green Map 2020: Evolving with Technology and Staying Community-focused by Sam Wear in Espatially NY 2020 

Cape Town Green Map turns 10 in the People's Post - Nov 24, 2019

East Village-based Green Map System uses visuals to defend against climate change by Jefferson Siegel - AM PM NY 2019

Shareable: Stories about community-led disaster relief efforts on Bike Ready 2019

• Wendy Brawer and Charles Krezell tell Leonard Lopate about local environmental projects (soundfile August 7, 2018) by Leonard Lopate, WBAI FM NYC, 2018

Harte Verde Bistrita (in Romanian) by Eugen Gheorghe, Timp Online, RO, 2018

Project Of The Day: Green Map by Nathan Slater, P2P News, FR, 2017

Simple and intuitive is the key to the world! This map of New York has changed the habits of 65 countries by Lin Sihan, The Storm Media (Chinese (with translation)), CN, 2017

Lower East Side Community Heroes by Whitney Browne, The Low Down, NYC, 2016

Green Map Spanning the Globe by Christine van Reeuwyk, Oak Bay News, CA, 2015

The Web of Life - A Story about the Green Map by Wendy Brawer, Midori Press, JP, 2014

In The Field: Green Maps by Sarah Coury, Nowhere Travel Stories, USA, 2014

The panel below is from our 2004 Urban Center Gallery exhibit!

One of four overviews for our 2004 exhibition
One of four overviews for our 2004 exhibition
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