Strathspey Works – Grantown Remakery provides Employment Skills Development, volunteering opportunities and support for Young People who may be having difficulty in Transition from School to Further Education and Employment, Adults with a Disability or with Mental Ill-Health, and Adults with poor ‘Wellbeing’ and lack of ‘Work Readiness’, supporting all in their journey to recovery and towards fulfilment of their personal goals.
We provide a community recycling facility by encouraging individuals to recycle and reuse household items through our refurbishment and repair services as part of a Circular Economy. That refurbishment of items is used to teach individuals practical work and employability skills.
We have become a Community Service by offering refurbished, reasonably priced furniture, often with a further discount, to those setting up a new or first home, and have become a place where a number of individuals from the community drop in for ‘A look around’ many of whom are elderly, single and lonely and who are looking for someone to talk too, they are very welcome.