Charting the ever-changing environment of New York City!
This Green Map includes a variety of amazing sustainability resources around NYC collected at various times over the years. New sites are welcome - just click Propose a Site on the menu, select 'Green Map NYC' and add yours.
This map, originally printed in 1992, helped spark the global Green Map System. This nonprofit continues to house the local NYC Green Map project which benefits New Yorkers and the network by piloting new concepts and mapmaking resources.
We have also published popular theme Green Maps in print and online, all linked to on energy (conservation, renewable and climate change), composting in Manhattan, the youth view of Lower Manhattan (LoMap) and the cool map, Refresh LES. We create cycling and walking tours, presentations, exhibits, workshops and education modules to involve more New Yorkers in building a brighter future together. You are welcome to get involved. Suggest a site at