Open to public: Wednesday 11-2
Located at: 294952 Hwy 101, Quilcene, WA4.
Manager: Leslie Tippins - 360-765-0904
Food Banks are our community safety net and distribution center for those on a stretched budget or during emergencies. The food banks are available for families and individuals.
Other Food Banks:
Brinnon Food Bank, Eloise Langenbach, 360-701-0483, Open to public Tuesdays 10-1, 151 Corey St, Brinnon, WA3.
Tri-Area Food Bank, John Laird, 360-385-9462, Open to public Wednesday 10-1, 760 Chimacum Road Chimacum, WA 98325
Port Townsend Food Bank, Shirley Moss, 1925 Blaine St, Port Townsend, WA
Open to public:
Saturdays from 11:30 am to 2 pm for seniors 65 and over only.
Wednesdays from 10 am to 3 pm for families and individuals.
Outdoor pantry open 24hrs/7days