The Tenement House museum


The word 'tenement' means vastly different things in different places in the world - & this is Glasgow's / Scotland's version! The Tenement House is an important glimpse into early-20th-century Glasgow, a museum that allows us to get a better understanding of Scottish life today, by taking a moment to ponder the everyday of the past.

In the words of the National Trust for Scotland (who now cares for the Tenement House) :
"At first glance, the Tenement House appears to be an ordinary middle-class tenement from the late 19th century, standing in Garnethill. However, when you step inside, the faithfully restored four rooms appear as if frozen in time & provide a rare glimpse into life in Glasgow in the early 20th century.

Shorthand typist Miss Agnes Toward lived here from 1911 until 1965, & preserved her furniture & possessions with love & care. She held on to all sorts of things that most people would have thrown away, & this extensive personal archive has become a valuable time capsule for visitors today. The Tenement House also reveals what it meant to be an ‘independent woman’ at that time."

More info via..

The National Trust for Scotland's website -

Glasgow Green Map

Welcome to the Glasgow Green Map - a one stop shop for everything green and local in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, UK - the Dear Green Place.

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