Black Isle Cares


Who We Are:

BIC is a registered charity in the form of a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC045371), vitally interested in improving the health and care opportunities for all people needing care (now and in the future), and their carers. We formed BIC to stimulate the development of a range of practical actions that will build on our many community assets and address positively, quickly and radically the unmet needs in our community.

Black Isle Cares covers the communities found within the present Black Isle Ward of the Highland Council. Our vision is for everyone on the Black Isle to be able, if we choose, to live all of our days in our communities. We want to be able to live flourishing, rich, optimistic, healthy lives - whether messy or ordered - with choice, risks, dignity and independence, supported by and in partnership with radical, common sense, affordable, flexible, high quality services, which listen and respond to the knowledge and experiences of all people in the communities of the Black Isle, involving us all as much as we wish, enabling us to continue contributing to our community and meeting our changing expectations.

Our mission is to ensure that, in partnership with others, we identify and assist in meeting the present and future health and social care needs of people in the Black Isle so that all have the choice of being able to stay in their communities all their days, living and dying well. We have a Meals at Home Service, a Befriending Service, a Community Sharing Shed and Community garden and provide intergenerational activities. 

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The Highlands & Islands Climate Hub invites a membership of changemakers across Highland and the Northern Isles interested and supporting community led climate action across the region. Our Membership Directory and Member's Map shows our many members including where their specific interests are. Each listing will direct you to that Member's website or social media pages where you can find out more about them. If you would like to learn more from one of our Member's please get in touch with us at and we will be happy to introduce you. Not yet a member? You can join as your community organisation, associate member or as an individual on our website 

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