Our mission is to develop the economic, social, and cultural sustainability of our community by harnessing the quality of our resources, people, and island environment.
The charitable objectives of the trust are;
1. To provide in the interests of social welfare, facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation available to the public at large in Westray with a view to improving their conditions of life.
2. To advance education and in particular to promote opportunities for learning for the benefit of the general public.
3. To protect and/or preserve the environment for the benefit of the general public.
4. To provide or assist in the provision of housing for people in necessitous circumstances within Westray.
5. To relieve poverty particularly among the residents of the island of Westray.
6. To advance the arts, heritage, culture and science.
7. To relieve those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage (includes relief given by the provision of accommodation and care).
8. To regenerate the community of Westray by the maintenance or improvement of the physical, social and economic infrastructure.
9. To promote, establish, operate and/or support other schemes and projects of a charitable nature for the benefit of the community of Westray.
Objective 3 relates to preserving the environment. We have several ongoing projects relating to the environment, and always consider the environmental impact of any projects undertaken. Our main source of income is from a community turbine. We assist with annual beach cleans and litter picks. We have a community garden growing fresh produce locally and sharing growing knowledge with the community.