Tororo Uganda Green Map


Tororo Green Mapmakers made two maps, printed map and digital. The maps were made by youths and adults. The map has helped in raising environmental awareness to the people of Tororo which has resulted in taking some positive actions to create green sites which are friendly to humanity.  

One of the activities the project initiated and is still undertaking is a tree planting project, involving the people in the community, including the children and students in primary and secondary schools. The project also worked together in partnership with World Vision in Iyolwa subcounty to promote tree planting and 15,000 trees of wood lot, agro forestry and fruit trees were planted.

The project used participatory rural appraisal technique (PRAT) to help the people identify the tree species to be planted. We have raised tree seedlings of woodlot, agroforesty and fruit tree species, totalling 20,000 in number.  The seedlings have been distributed to the community and children and students in schools to plant. This has helped to make Tororo more green. The trees planting has helped provide wood for fuel, timber, poles, oxygen, fruits/food and above all, these trees have helped to reduce carbon gasses which causes global warming resulting in increased temperatures. 

Apart from tree planting, the project has also promoted the use of fuel efficient cooking stoves which conserve in comparison to the three traditional cooking stones which waste a lot of fuel wood, resulting into deforestation. We have promoted 20 stoves.

The project has also dug two small fish ponds to help carry out fish farming and also to preserve the local fish species which were disappearing. 

The project promoted the small-scale usage of biogas and solar energy as clean energy. Five solar panels and two biogas systems have been promoted. 

We still want to promote the planting of half a million trees in Tororo, so that Tororo becomes more and more green for the  people of Tororo, the visitors and the future generation to come. We want to plant more fruit trees to help provide food to the people and agroforesty trees to help improve soil fertility. 

We want to dig more 10 fish ponds to help carry out fish farming so that we produce fish to the people. 

We need to promote the use of biogas and solar energy as clean energy. 

So we therefore ask for people who can work with us so that we can make Tororo more green than before. For God and my country. 

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