永春陂濕地生態公園綠色生活地圖實境解謎遊戲 - Park Puzzle Game


Yongchunpi Wetland Ecological Park Real-life Puzzle Game



1. Project Value 

The Taipei Branch of the Taiwan Wilderness Conservation Association has been promoting Green Living Maps for many years, but the number of promotion volunteers is increasingly scarce. On average, one volunteer affects about 200 people per year. Therefore, we are thinking, in addition to "active" promotion methods, are there any "passive" promotion methods that can be used? 

One day, two children were playing on their mobile phones on the sofa. When I was about to stop them from playing, I was attracted by the games on my mobile phone instead, so I started playing with them because it was so fun! But the children lost the opportunity to be close to nature, so I decided to find something more fun than mobile games. 

I couldn't seem to arouse the children's interest until I said that I wanted to play the "Realistic Puzzle Game”. Thus my development of the "Yongchunpi Wetland Ecological Park Green Life Map Realistic Puzzle Game" was initiated!
See it here

2. 專案成果


"Yongchunpi Wetland Ecological Park Green Life Map Real-life Puzzle Game" can only be played through the mobile App, and it must be used on-site. Currently, there have been more than 6,000 visitors, and the promotion effect has exceeded expectations. People do not need volunteers to be present when playing, truly achieving a "passive" promotion effect.

3. 因為這個綠活圖活動而發生了什麼變化?


3. What changes have resulted?

"Yongchunpi Wetland Ecological Park Green Life Map Real-life Puzzle Game" has now been included in the compulsory curriculum of schools near the park. Students can better understand their surrounding school environment, and the game can also inspire the students' creativity in integrating with the natural environment. When ordinary people come here to play, they no longer just take a quick look, but experience it in depth through games.

4. Green Map使用線上實境平台有什麼影響


4. What are the impacts of using Green Map’s online reality platform? 

Fun! interesting! It is the best way to promote people's experience. Once the "Green Life Map" is equated with "fun", people will like the "Green Life Map" more and more, and then fall in love with their own homes.

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