All Green Maps

When it’s winter, community gardens are vital habitats for wildlife and much more. What do you do in your community garden in winter? Share it here! Let’s chart our cool weather garden culture, mapped out across the continent together. Think back a few months. Use your phone and respond to this survey: It will appear on this map! Gardeners can select icons for holiday events, decorations, bird watching, snow play and snow stargazing. There’s soil building, seed saving, bulb planting, pruning and street tree care, grant writing, planning, repairs and more. Share your garden’s winter highlights and help change perceptions about the seasonality of community gardens.


This is the map related to our project.

Factory pollution

Factory pollution

EcoGuardians NYC

This is the map related to our project.


O Centro Social Esperança atua há 30 anos em prol da vida e do desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes da comunidade da Coréia, na zona sul de São Paulo.

Sehuim's Map

This is the map related to our project.

Share an outcome, lesson learned, or a story from your Green Map project! Add yours with this Survey Thanks! Here's the Legend for these special Icons

The East Renfrewshire Climate Action Hub was set up to bring together people, community groups, and organisations across the area to support joined up, community-led climate action.

This project is an interactive resource designed to map and highlight the region’s food infrastructure and urban agriculture initiatives. Our mission is to empower communities by providing accessible, up-to-date information about local food systems, sustainable growing practices, and opportunities for participation and engagement.ct.

Farm to Fork Food Web

Mapping food security features and urban agriculture initiatives. Plot that spot and help us grow together!

This is the map related to our Better Waverly project.

Harta Verde Bistrița

Harta Verde Bistrița este un ghid spațial interactiv al comunităților locale cu resurse disponibile pentru un stil de viață sănătos, natură, cultură și societate disponibilă la adresa

FOOD Sourcing

This map will show the origins of the food we eat. 


This is the map related to our project.

This map shows community groups across Scotland who offer free thermographic Heat Surveys to householders in their community to see where they are losing heat and how they can take action.

KCC Eco-Walk Map

Map of sustainable transit 


This is the map related to our project.

This is the map related to our goals outlined by sustainable jersey. 

The Highland Weather and Climate Story Map collects your experiences related to weather and climate in the Scottish Highlands. It documents how weather and climate impact our daily lives, livelihoods, and the environment. This is the human side of climate data.

This map identifies places where local people think new bike stands should be located in Dunoon and Kirn. It also provides information about the location and condition of existing bike stands.

TEN Examples

Thermal Energy Networks and moreAdd to this map using this Survey

Découvrez notre Green Map en ligne ! 



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