Recovery Icons by Green Map

2020 Recovery Icons, designed to be used as people start returning to public life in the Covid era, point out places where you can distance safely, enjoy nature nearby, support local business and help guide communities toward a healthier future. Created by Green Map System, this is version two of the Recovery Icons, which can be freely used under our Creative Commons license.

This set of Recovery Icons is arranged by

  • Public Health
  • Recuperation
  • Regeneration

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Testing Station
Testing Station

Place for health testing or monitoring. Can indicate medical offices, nonprofits, groups and websites, either permanent or set up during crisis situations.

Vaccine / Critical Supplies

Material goods that cover basic needs and the most important supplies in a time of crisis.


Building or temporarily designated space where emergency, surgery or other critically-needed health care can be obtained.

Wellness Resource / Alternative Health

Place to receive health and wellness care outside of mainstream medical practice. Yoga, massage therapy, holistic, herbal and traditional Chinese medicine represent a few examples of wellness resources that spur recovery. Seek certified practitioners.

Unhealthy Spot / Quarantine

Officially recognized or well-known site where residents' health has been threatened by disaster, disease, emissions, environmental degradation or unjust practices.

Wash Hands Here
Wash Hands Here

Wash and refresh here. Icon can be used to indicate hand washing stations and may provide drinking water, a comfort station, or information on water purity and conservation.

Farmers Market / Local Market

Sells regionally grown produce. May be organic or traditional foods, sold in a lively permanent or temporary setting. Food does not travel far from where it’s grown, so it's fresh and nutritious. Shopping here directly supports small family farms, local economies and a greener countryside. May sell flowers, craft items, baked goods, honey, wine, wool, or regional cookbooks.

Community Farm / Coop Garden

Growing abundant fresh food is the focus. Increasing food security, coop farms also sequester carbon, build skills and relationships to one another and promote healthy eating. Seed saving, pollinator planting, permaculture and other regenerative practices are often included in these larger, cooperative farms.

Food Gathering Site
Food Gathering Site

Grow, pick and gather wild or cultivated edibles, glean fields and fruit trees, go fishing, or harvest wild herbs and foods. Consider ecological concerns, delicate habitats, health, and waste issues when using sites under this icon.

Farm With Animals
Farm With Animals

City farms, demonstration farms, gardens with chickens and rabbits, police horse barns, and other places where the public can see domesticated animals carefully tended, ethically cared for and sustainably raised. Purchasing directly from these sites (in person or online) can help sustain the farmers and provide high quality food.

Social Service
Social Service

Provides resources to help people in need. May include 'green collar' job training, charity, welfare agencies, advocacy, food assistance or health programs. Some social services are run voluntarily by community groups, others by religious, governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs).

Food Bank / Emergency Food

Food banks and emergency food distribution sites assure food is not wasted and hunger is reduced by providing low or no-cost food for persons facing emergencies, low-income or displaced people. These food security sites may serve meals, provide ingredients for home cooking or deliver to housebound people.

Translation / Interpreter

Language support that enhances participation and access to services by all people.

Temporary Housing
Temporary Housing

In times of disruption, whether acute or chronic, this place can provide or help to locate shelter.

Refugee Area / Refuge / Safe Space

Includes safe spaces and areas with displaced families and individuals due to disaster, disease, social inequities, strife, climate change, and other dire conditions. Includes environmental, economic and political refugees, as well as safe places for services, isolation or respite.

Physical Distance Design

Space planning and design (permanent or temporary) that encourages people to physically separate themselves.

Mask Up - Crowded Place

This area may be too crowded for physically distancing from others. Wear your mask and be cautious and considerate, or move on to a less crowded area.

Bicycle Site
Bicycle Site

Generally used where you might buy, borrow, repair or rent bicycles, work bikes and other kinds of human-powered vehicles. Can indicate bicycling organizations of all kinds, bike-friendly services, infrastructure and sites.

Wheelchair Accessible
Wheelchair Accessible

Accessible ramps, rails, elevators and other facilities provided for people with disabilities. Encourage exploration of nature trails and park areas with this icon. (Useful for baby carriages and market carts, too.)

Pedestrianized Space
Pedestrianized Space

Streets generally without cars, cleared for pedestrians, full or part time. Wider than sidewalks, pedestrianized streets contribute to wellbeing and conviviality, especially with shady trees, benches and other street furniture. Such #OpenStreets extend zones for safe physical distance walking.

Free Speech Zone / Communication Station

May include free speech zone or area where speaking out is openly encouraged. May be permanent or temporary, or may indicate an organizing convergence spot; a mural or wall for community self-expression; an online blog, radio station, or communications organizations. Recovery resources here support community and official communications, online and off, in various languages, etc.

Community Garden
Community Garden

Often planted on public or formerly abandoned land, community gardens are run by volunteers who cultivate flowers, herbs and vegetables, closer relationships to nature and one another. Sometimes fenced and locked or threatened by development, but generally open to all participants, raising the quality of life in the community, and improving air and soil quality at the same time. Offers hands-on learning and a habitat for birds and insects, too.

Public Space / Square
Public Space / Square

A good place to relax and refresh yourself in a community gathering place, often car-free open space that may have benches, a water feature, events, etc. It can be a public space located in a sunny plaza, garden or park, or in special cases, may be indoors in a mall. These places are often have an inclusive character and are accessible to all.

Bird & Wildlife Watching

Public place to view animals in the wild (even the urban wild). Officially recognized or locally-known sites may have a nature center or interpretation with guidelines for viewing without harm, and details on the species you might see. Avoid exposing delicate nesting areas or endangered habitats.

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